latest project

latest here. use image slider to showcase my most recent project. (pwf?)


Lingo: Html • Css/Css 3 • JavaScript/Jquery • Php • Mobile Development
Other: Wordpress • Quality Assurance • Social Media • Adobe CS4 Master Collection • Photo Editing • Digital Painting


coming soon.

use image slider here for the folio. also.. get better stuff up here.


Re-vamp resume to match website with new logo. Also add a screen shot of it here.

download my resume (pdf)

about the lady


My name is Angel White - short for Angela White. I’m 20 and currently residing in Portland, Oregon. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m average build and am a towering 5 foot 3 inches tall.

I am a web developer @ opus creative and I love it. :)

I also have a super amazing boyfriend named Alexander. ♥

other places i reside

Facebook: /angelwhite - I only accept people I know on here. sawwyy
Tumblr: angelwhite. - I fall in and out of this
Twitter: /_angelwhite - I rarely utilize this
Deviantart: staticmuse. - Sometimes I digital paint n stuff
Xbox Live: prettypistol
World of Warcraft: Mekhet, Murelle & Mellonz on Mal'Ganis (us)
Diablo 2: Account name - lotsofmilk


Add some little photo gallery here.







re-do. this looks like ass.


Duis vel massa porttitor magna sagittis consectetur a eu urna. Nullam malesuada ultrices cursus. Morbi felis mi, malesuada non dapibus sed, sodales ac neque. Duis est libero, iaculis tempus semper at, pellentesque imperdiet sapien. In volutpat, dolor et eleifend gravida, nibh magna consectetur lacus, dignissim eleifend metus sem a ligula. Quisque elit nibh, aliquet at aliquet nec, consectetur non enim. Nam a mauris augue. Nunc egestas porttitor libero vel facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus quis orci purus.

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  • beep boop
  • beep boop
  • beep boop
  • beep boop